In this part you may buy ORIGINAL-Ktubbah on parchment, Ktubbah-POSTER with cover, Wedding Invitation, Bar or Bat mitzvah invitation and Brit Mila invitation, ENGLISH or HEBREW, with my pictures.

Ktubbah is the marriage contract (Jewish) that the bridegroom gives to the bride in the marriage ceremony. It is written on parchment with goose feather by religious Stam-writer and I do the pictures in gouache.
There are two styles: the Sephardic-Ktubbah (for East Jewish community) and Ashkenazi-Ktubbah (for West Jewish community).

Sephardic-Ktubbah or Ashkenazi-Ktubbah
One picture, diferent text.

Jerusalem S

Jerusalem cover

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Red Fruits S

Red Fruits cover

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Blue Doves S

Blue Doves cover

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Violet Peacock S

Violet Peacock cover

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Green Peacock S

Green Peacock cover

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Pink Peacock S

Pink Peacock cover

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White Peacock S

White Peacock cover

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Yellow Birds S

Yellow Birds cover

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pomegranate S

pomegranate cover

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Wedding Invitations
12 / 18 cm, cromo paper and white envelope, Hebrew or English

Blue Doves

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Red Fruits

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Yellow birds

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Violet Peacock

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White peacock

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Green Peacock

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Bar or Bat mitzvah invitations
12 / 18 cm, cromo paper and white envelope, Hebrew or English

Bar mitzvah

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Bar mitzvah2

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Bar mitzvah3

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Bar mitzvah4

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Bar mitzvah5

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Bar mitzvah6

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Bar mitzvah7

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Bar mitzvah8

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Bar mitzvah9

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Bar mitzvah10

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Bat mitzvah11

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Bat mitzvah12

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Mizrah (=The East) is the picture that the Jewish people hang in the East wall of the house. It shows the directions to Jerusalem (East).


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